Do IVF Babies Have Fertility Problems?

IVF Babies have Fertility Issues

One of the most common questions for couples planning an IVF pregnancy is, “How different will our child be from a normal child”? Getting the two positive lines on a pregnancy test isn’t the only goal of parents opting for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). There’s a greater concern regarding the health of the child, the child’s fertility, and their genetic makeup. 

You may have also heard myths about IVF pregnancies. For instance, there’s a common belief that IVF can lead to infertility in your child. In this post, we’ve clarified how IVF assists you in achieving pregnancy without posing infertility risk for your biological children. Let’s take a look.

How Does IVF Work?

IVF is a popular conception technique that’s helped many infertile couples get pregnant and enjoy a healthy pregnancy and childbirth experience. 

Note that IVF doesn’t interfere with the genetic makeup of a child. The only difference between normal and IVF pregnancy is that the latter involves the artificial implantation of the parents’ embryo into the mother’s womb. Let’s see how the process works.

Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation

Ovarian stimulation refers to the administration of hormone injections that stimulate your ovaries to release multiple mature eggs at once. You will receive the hormone shots for 10-14 days. Your healthcare provider will order ultrasound tests to monitor your follicles during the procedure. The more eggs a woman’s body produces and releases, the higher the chances of fertilization through IVF.

Step 2: Egg Retrieval

You will be sedated during egg retrieval. Once your eggs have matured, your doctor will insert a thin needle (connected to a suction device) through your vagina into the follicle containing eggs. The needle will extract the egg from the follicle. Your partner has to provide a sample of sperm around the same time.

Step 3: Fertilization

The sperm and the eggs are mixed in a petri dish. They fertilize automatically overnight. If your partner is diagnosed with poor sperm count and other male infertility issues, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) can be considered. It is a procedure to inject a male’s sperm into the woman’s eggs manually for improved chances of fertilization. 

Step 4: Embryo Culture

Fertilized eggs take 3-5 days to develop into embryos. During this time, the doctor monitors embryo development and chooses the best quality and most suitable embryo for implantation.

Step 5: Embryo Transfer

The selected embryo is then transferred into the woman’s uterus through a thin catheter inserted through the vagina. The catheter releases the agreed number of embryos into the uterus for implantation. The procedure takes 15-30 minutes and is usually painless.

Step 6: Pregnancy Test

Your doctor will ask you to take a pregnancy test 2 weeks following the embryo implantation. If your test results are positive, they will order ultrasound tests to monitor the early growth of the fetus.

Does IVF Affect the Child’s Fertility?

IVF doesn’t impact the child’s development or their academic performance. Children born through in-vitro fertilization are as healthy as the ones born normally. Besides, IVF has no impact on a child’s fertility. There are other factors that determine your baby’s reproductive health and the ability to conceive in the future. Here’s what affects your child’s fertility:

Genetic Factor: Parental infertility can be the cause of difficulty in conception for children. In other words, your genes can pass on to your baby, affecting their fertility.

Child’s Birth: A premature baby or a child born with genetic disorders can experience delayed development or infertility issues as adults.

Hormonal Disorder: Children diagnosed with hormonal imbalance might have difficulty getting pregnant naturally. Thyroid disorder and PCOS, for instance, can cause infertility. 

Structural Defect: A girl born with uterine anomalies and a boy with undescended testes or azoospermia might not be able to conceive naturally. 

Lifestyle Choices: Too much alcohol, smoking, and exposure to certain chemicals can put your child at an increased risk of reproductive issues.

Medical Condition: Some medical conditions and their treatments can lead to compromised fertility. Cancer and chemotherapy, for example, can damage your reproductive organs, resulting in infertility.

So far, the most common factor that affects your child’s fertility is inheritance. If the father has azoospermia, the boy child can also develop the same condition. That, however, doesn’t mean the IVF has a role to play in affecting your baby’s ability to conceive naturally. 

You should see a genetic counselor to discuss the risk of your child being born with fertility issues, especially if you have a family history of infertility or a medical condition that can be passed on to your child and affect their reproductive organs.


Do IVF Babies Have Fertility Issues?

No, IVF itself doesn’t cause infertility in a child or affect their genetic makeup, which would affect their reproductive health. So, IVF babies are as likely to give birth naturally as a normal baby.

Are IVF Babies Healthy?

Yes, IVF babies are as healthy as normal newborns. 

How Long Does IVF Take?

It may take anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks. It’s a series of procedures that start with ovarian stimulation and goes on until the fertilized egg is successfully implanted into the woman’s uterus.

Does IVF Guarantee Pregnancy?

No, IVF helps in conception and might lead to pregnancy, but there’s a chance you won’t get pregnant after embryo transfer. You might have to schedule multiple rounds of IVF.

What Affects the Success Rate of IVF?

Your age, lifestyle, cause of infertility, and the fertility clinic are a few factors that affect the IVF success rate.

  1. Reply
    Muhammed Ahmed

    Assalam o Allikum

    MA SHA ALLAH we have 4 kids, 3 Daughter and 1 Son.
    Physically both are fit.
    we wish a baby boy for completing our family.
    I am not a rich man. I am simple account assistant in a real estate farm and dose not afforded so much fees recently i have receive a comety PKRs 80,000/-
    If these rupees the process are possible then Please contact me

    We both are at the age of 40
    Muhammed Ahmed

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