Evaluation Hormones


Evaluation of Key Fertility Hormones and Their Role in Conception

During the menstrual cycle, hormone levels are measured to assess fertility and understand any potential issues affecting conception. These hormones regulate egg development, ovulation, and implantation, all vital stages for achieving pregnancy. When these hormones are imbalanced, fertility can be impacted.

To determine if the body is producing adequate hormone levels to support conception, doctors may order tests for these key fertility hormones:

  1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – Stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles, each containing an egg.
  2. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – Triggers ovulation by releasing a mature egg from the follicle.
  3. Estradiol (E2) – Supports follicle growth and prepares the reproductive tract for ovulation.
  4. Progesterone (P4) – Stabilizes the uterine lining, creating a supportive environment for the implanted embryo.

Hormone Imbalances and Their Impact on Fertility

  • Hormone imbalances can negatively affect fertility by interfering with ovulation or implantation:

    • Androgens – Excess androgens in women may prevent follicles from maturing properly, hindering ovulation.
    • Prolactin – High prolactin levels can disrupt ovulation and cause menstrual irregularities.
    • Thyroid Hormones – An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) may lead to elevated prolactin levels, which can further interfere with fertility.

    Regular hormone evaluations can provide insight into fertility health and guide any necessary treatment to help improve the chances of conception.

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