You’ve likely heard the saying, “The earlier you start a family, the better.” This holds true, as conceiving during your prime reproductive years significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy-related complications or fertility issues. Your fertility naturally decreases with age, and delaying pregnancy, particularly after your 30s, can lead to potential fertility challenges.
Aging takes a toll on your egg count and quality. With age, your ovarian reserve declines, which means there is a chance an egg won’t mature and be released in each ovulation cycle. This reduces your chances of conception. Moreover, the quality of eggs and the resulting embryo also tend to deteriorate over time. So, even if you conceive, there’s a risk of miscarriage and fetal complications.
Luckily, many women in their 30s and early 40s can conceive naturally. For others, there are fertility treatment options that can boost your fertility in your 30s. If you are looking for natural ways to improve your egg quality, regulate your ovulation cycle, and increase your odds of getting pregnant quickly, we’ve compiled a list of things you can try at home to achieve that.
Optimizing Your Health for Fertility
Although you cannot control your egg quantity, you can improve its quality by reducing oxidative stress damage and balancing your hormones. These tips can help.
Diet and Nutrition
Your dietary choices play a pivotal role in your fertility. Research indicates that a diet rich in folate, iodine, and vitamin D is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. These nutrients are so vital that most gynecologists recommend them in supplement form to ensure you’re getting enough for a healthy and viable pregnancy. Some standard dietary guidelines for women planning pregnancy include:
- Increase the intake of healthy fats, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts & seeds, lean proteins, dairy, and legumes.
- Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
- Avoid processed food and too much carb
- Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
It’s best to consult a professional fertility doctor and a dietician to determine the best foods to eat and avoid for conception. Their expert advice can help you make informed decisions about your fertility journey.
Every healthy person should practice 75-150 minutes of exercise a week to keep their mental and physical health in check. Your exercise routine can include everything from moderate-intensity exercises to heavy workout sessions, which may include weightlifting.
Exercise can improve egg quality by increasing oxygen-rich blood flow to the ovaries. This, in turn, creates a suitable environment for the egg follicles to develop and release a mature egg.
Stress Management
Increased cortisol production can interfere with reproductive hormones. A drastic change in estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotropin levels can negatively affect the ovulation cycle. Stress can be the cause of infertility, especially if you have chronic stress that disrupts your sleep cycle, weight, and overall health. Fortunately, there are ways to manage regular and chronic stress. If natural remedies do not work, you can seek professional help.
Sleep Well
Adequate sleep can regulate reproductive hormones, improve metabolism, reduce oxidative stress, and improve immune function—all of which play a significant role in boosting fertility. Good sleep quality is also associated with an improved menstrual cycle, which can balance ovulation and ensure proper egg release.
Weight Management
Underweight, overweight, and obese women are more likely to have pregnancy complications and fertility issues than those who are close to a healthy weight. A common problem in obese women is the increased likelihood of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) — a common cause of infertility in women.
Likewise, low body mass index or extremely low weight can stop ovulation in women. Managing a healthy weight through a balanced diet, yoga, and an active lifestyle can help regulate your hormones and improve your chances of getting pregnant after your 30s.
Reproductive Health and Fertility
In medical terms, your biological clock refers to your ovarian reserve. As mentioned earlier, when a woman ages, her ovarian reserve declines. The fewer the eggs you have, the lower the chances you will conceive. So, age affects your fertility.
Here’s all you should know about your ovulation cycle and how it affects fertility.
An average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days but can go up to 35 days in some women. During this time, your reproductive hormones drop, causing the endometrium (uterine lining) to shed and expel through the vagina. Bleeding can last between 3 and 7 days.
Ovulation occurs somewhere around the middle of your menstrual cycle. Your estrogen level rises before ovulation, and the follicles containing the egg mature. The follicle releases one mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tube, where a sperm fertilizes it.
Using Your Menstrual Cycle Chart to Predict Your Fertile Window
Knowing your menstrual cycle and ovulation period can help you determine your fertile window — the best time to try. First things first, you can only conceive around the time you are ovulating, i.e., on the day you ovulate and five days prior.
Ovulation starts 14 days before your next period. In an average 28-day menstrual cycle, you will ovulate on day 14th. If your cycle is 30 days long, ovulation will occur on day 16th. The menstrual cycle length can vary in each woman. So, it’s best to track it for a few months to know the average length of your menstrual cycle and track your ovulation accordingly.
Use Ovulation Predictor Kits
An ovulation kit predicts a surge in the LH levels in your urine. A sudden increase in this hormone indicates ovulation. Luteinizing hormone plays an essential part in ovulation. It triggers the release of a mature egg from your ovaries. Checking the LH levels is a good way to know your fertile window.
Supplements and Fertility
If your fertility is linked to nutritional deficiency, rest assured that certain supplements can be highly effective in boosting your chances of conception. These supplements not only improve fertility but also support a healthy pregnancy.
Vitamin D boosts immunity and regulates hormones. Iron supplements reduce the risk of pregnancy-induced anemia. Coenzyme Q10 is another popular fertility supplement that boosts egg quality and prevents oxidative stress from damaging eggs. It’s advisable to seek medical advice from a gynecologist before starting supplements.
Environmental Toxins and Fertility
Some environmental toxins can cause hormonal imbalance and might deteriorate your egg quality, leading to infertility in women. Exposure to BPA is linked to poor ovarian function. Likewise, many industrial chemicals can disrupt your menstrual and ovulation cycle. To maintain your reproductive health, limiting your exposure to industrial toxins is important. Avoid products with hazardous chemicals, which can affect your reproductive health.
Seeking Professional Help
A healthy couple has a good chance of conceiving naturally within one year of having unprotected sexual intercourse. A woman who doesn’t conceive within one year of trying, or six months for women above 35 years, should consult a fertility specialist to identify the underlying cause of infertility.
Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center is an award-winning fertility clinic for people who’ve tried all possible natural remedies to improve their chances of conception but see no results. Its team of internationally trained and board-certified professionals can assist you in diagnosing and treating infertility.
Remember, the sooner you seek medical help for infertility, the higher the chances you will be able to get pregnant. Your egg quality and quantity will decline rapidly when you cross your early 30s.
If you are over 35 and struggling to get pregnant, don’t lose hope. The above-listed lifestyle changes can help improve your egg quality, making conception possible for those with infertility issues.
If nothing works, book an appointment with fertility specialists at Australian Concept. They will help you determine whether you can conceive naturally or you should consider Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), like IVF and IUI. Check out their services and the success stories of patients who’ve delivered children through IVF.
Muhammed Ahmed
Assalam o Allikum
MA SHA ALLAH we have 4 kids, 3 Daughter and 1 Son.
Physically both are fit.
we wish a baby boy for completing our family.
I am not a rich man. I am simple account assistant in a real estate farm and dose not afforded so much fees recently i have receive a comety PKRs 80,000/-
If these rupees the process are possible then Please contact me
We both are at the age of 40
Muhammed Ahmed
ACIMC Webmaster
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