How To Get Pregnant Fast: Tips To Boost Fertility

How To Get Pregnant Fast: Tips To Boost Fertility

So, you have decided to start a family. Bringing a new life into this world can be exciting, but the journey isn’t easy for every couple. If you are one of the lucky ones, you might conceive on the first attempt. However, if you are like most people, getting those two positive lines on the pregnancy test might take a couple of months or longer. 

The good news is that there are ways to boost your fertility and increase your chances of conception. Basic knowledge about your fertile window and some dietary modifications can go a long way in making your journey to pregnancy and childbirth easier. 

In this post, we’ve reviewed the expert-recommended tips for getting pregnant quickly and easily. Let’s continue. 

Understanding Fertility

For couples trying to get pregnant, whether the first time or the third, planning is everything. Many factors affect your fertility and the odds you will conceive without assistance. However, if you are one of the six couples that experience difficulty getting pregnant naturally, know that you are not alone. 

There are ways to boost fertility and increase the chances of conception without medical help. Before we discuss the tips, let’s understand how conception occurs and the factors affecting fertility.

When a couple has unprotected sexual intercourse, there’s a chance the sperm will be transported to the fallopian tubes, where it meets the egg for fertilization. That happens when a woman is ovulating (a process in which the ovaries release a mature egg). Among the millions of sperm that travel through your vagina to the fallopian tube, only one penetrates the egg. The fertilized egg is then implanted into the uterus, and the pregnancy occurs.

Factors Affecting Fertility

  • Age (older age makes conception difficult)
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Hormonal balance
  • Genetic factors
  • Environmental conditions

Apart from these, certain medical conditions, such as ongoing treatment for cancer or uterine fibroids and polyps, can make it difficult for women to conceive.

Tips to Boost Fertility

Your fertility depends on various factors, including your egg quality and your partner’s sperm count and morphology. Younger women have a better chance of conceiving quickly than those over 35. Still, certain things are in your control when it comes to increasing your chances of getting pregnant. Here’s what may help.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Your diet affects your hormone levels. A diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can increase progesterone—a key reproductive hormone in women. Your diet should include lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid trans fat and processed food. A nutritious and expert-advised diet will also help you manage weight, which is another factor affecting your fertility. 

Regular Exercise

Moderate-intensity exercises like walking, swimming, and cycling are great for reproductive and overall health. Aim for 15-30 minutes of exercise daily, but don’t overdo it. Researchers have found that strenuous physical exercises can disrupt your ovulation cycle, making conception difficult.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Obesity or a BMI higher than normal is linked to an increased risk of infertility. Your weight can disrupt the hormonal balance and ovulation cycle. Obesity can also trigger complications in women planning conception through assisted reproductive technology.

Managing your weight can help improve your chances of conception, particularly in people who report an irregular menstrual cycle or those diagnosed with PCOS

Not only that, but a proper weight can minimize the risk of complications during pregnancy. 

Timing and Frequency

You may have heard that ovulation starts on the 14th day of your menstrual cycle. That’s not accurate unless your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The ovulation cycle varies from woman to woman and depends mainly on the consistency of your periods. 

If you are wondering how to get pregnant fast, tracking your ovulation cycle is the first step. Having sexual intercourse around the time you ovulate will significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. So, how to track your fertility window?

Start with tracking your menstrual cycle. Record the day you get your period every month for several months to understand the pattern of your menstrual and ovulation cycle. Using an ovulation predictor kit is another way to know when you are ovulating. The test detects a surge in the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in the urine.

Does Frequency of Sex Matter?

We know the timing of sexual intercourse matters. Having sex a few days leading up to the ovulation or on the day of ovulation will increase your chance of getting pregnant. But what about the frequency? Does it matter, too? Yes, it does! You don’t have to overdo it. Just once a day, every second day around the time you predict ovulation. Since it’s hard to predict when exactly you will ovulate, your best bet is to start trying a week after your period starts.

Avoiding Stress

According to Mayo Clinic, there’s a connection between stress and infertility. Although it doesn’t directly make women infertile, it interferes with your menstrual cycle, which, in turn, affects your ovulation and the ability to get pregnant. Too much stress is linked to infertility, and infertility is linked to more stress in women. The cycle goes on and on, making conception difficult.

People with chronic stress should seek medical help. Others struggling with everyday stressors should practice relaxing activities like yoga and meditation. You should also take some time for your hobbies to de-stress their minds. 

Medical Advice and Assistance

Medical intervention is required in couples who can’t conceive after a year (six months for women above 35) of having unprotected sexual intercourse. Reaching out to a healthcare professional will help you figure out the underlying cause of infertility. There’s also a better chance the treatment will work if you see a doctor sooner than when you cross 35 or are above 40. Your egg quality and count keep declining with age. So, it’s advised to meet a healthcare professional within your prime reproductive years.

Natural Remedies and Supplements

Folic acid is one of the key nutrients for your baby’s spine and brain development. Folic acid also helps in the early stages of pregnancy. 

Your body might not get adequate folate from your diet alone. So, it’s advised to take it as a supplement before conception and in the first few months of your pregnancy. Iron, vitamin D, and zinc are other crucial supplements you should start before conception.

Some people vouch for herbal supplements for getting pregnant. Maca, chasteberry, and red clover are a few options that might help. However, it’s advisable to ask a medical expert before trying herbal supplements.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

The biggest stressor in one’s fertility journey is the common myths that negatively affect your mental health. We’ve debunked a few common myths below:

Myth 1: Only women suffer from infertility

Fact: About one-third of infertility cases are reported in men. Men and women are equally likely to experience infertility.

Myth 2: Birth control pills can impair your fertility

Fact: No, birth control pills do not affect your reproductive health. However, it may take you some time to get pregnant after you get off birth control. 

Myth 3: Women cannot be infertile if they’ve delivered a baby successfully

Fact: Many women conceive within the first attempt but experience difficulty getting pregnant with a second or subsequent child.

Myth 4: There’s no way an infertile woman can get pregnant

Fact: Treatment is available for infertility. Once the underlying cause of infertility is diagnosed, a fertility specialist can plan a treatment that improves your chances of conception. 


It takes a single attempt for some couples to get pregnant. For others, it’s a long journey. A few changes in your lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, eating a nutritious diet, practicing exercising, and de-stressing your mind, can help improve your odds of conceiving fast. Consult a healthcare specialist if you see no results within a year of trying. Remember, the sooner you seek medical help, the higher your chances of getting pregnant naturally.

  1. Reply
    Muhammed Ahmed

    Assalam o Allikum

    MA SHA ALLAH we have 4 kids, 3 Daughter and 1 Son.
    Physically both are fit.
    we wish a baby boy for completing our family.
    I am not a rich man. I am simple account assistant in a real estate farm and dose not afforded so much fees recently i have receive a comety PKRs 80,000/-
    If these rupees the process are possible then Please contact me

    We both are at the age of 40
    Muhammed Ahmed

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