
Why would I need ICSI?

ICSI helps to overcome fertility problems, such as:

  • Male Infertility
  • Female Ovulatory Function
  • Female Fallopian Tubes / Passage
  • Female Pelvis / Internal Environment

Male Infertility:

Semen Analysis reports presents indication of any potential issues such as:

  • Poor sperm count. Meaning there are too few sperms present to do artificial insemination (intrauterine insemination [IUI]) or conventional IVF.
  • The movement of sperm and natural ability to fertilize an egg.
  • The shape of sperm i.e. its morphology.
  • Blocked male reproductive tract restricting sperm from getting out.

Normal Semen Analysis Report Parameters


Semen Analysis report may not be normal due to following two reasons:

1. Mild Oligospermia Treatment:

If motile count is more than 5 million but less than 15 million, in such instance Medical Treatment for 3 to 6 months may be given. Out of 100 – 15% cases are cured via medication while 85% requires ICSI


2. Severe Oligospermia Treatment:

If motile count is less than 5 million, then ICSI treatment may be planned.

Ovulatory Function:

1. Generally when the patient has a healthy ovulatory function the following factors will be normal:

  • Regular Menstrual Cycle (cycle days – 21 to 35)
  • Hormones Level are normal

2. Ovulation Impairment

Female Fallopian Tubes / Passage: HSG is GOLD STANDARD TEST

1. In case of Normal HSG – if couple is married for less than 3 Years then the couple of generally advised to wait. In 92% cases Couple Conceive naturally but in 8% cases couple is recommended with ICSI.

2. In case of Normal HSG – if couple is married for More than 3 Years and are living together then advise them to WAIT for 6 months. In 60% cases Couple Conceive naturally but if NO Success in next 6 months then plan ICSI.

Female Pelvis / Internal Environment: LAPAROSCOPY is GOLD STANDARD TEST

1. In case of Normal Laparoscopy – it will be thought as Unexplained Infertility and ICSI is advised.

2. In case of Pelvic Pathology – our consultants first go for Pelvic Pathology treatment and then plan ICSI.