FET Positive patient After 7y of Primary Sub-fertility at Australian Concept

FET Positive patient After 7y of Primary Sub-fertility at Australian Concept

FET Positive patient After 07 Years of Primary Sub-fertility at Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center Lahore

Patient Conceived after FET treatment at Australian Concept

Patient: Mr. Zeeshan Asad & Mrs. Sadia Zaman

Consultant: Dr. Shazia Ashraf

For seven years, Mr. Zeeshan Asad and Mrs. Sadia Zaman dreamt of holding their own child. Diagnosed with primary sub-fertility, their path seemed filled with challenges. But hope blossomed when they sought treatment at Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center Lahore.

Under the guidance of their dedicated consultant, Dr. Shazia Ashraf, the couple explored their fertility options. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) offered a glimmer of hope. The process resulted in healthy embryos, carefully frozen for future use.

After some time, Mr. and Mrs. Asad decided to pursue a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) cycle. This advanced technique utilizes previously frozen embryos, offering a less physically demanding path to pregnancy compared to a fresh IVF cycle.

The news they longed for finally arrived – a positive pregnancy test! Australian Concept Lahore is thrilled to share that Mr. Zeeshan Asad and Mrs. Sadia Zaman are now expecting their precious baby.

Their story is a testament to the unwavering spirit of couples facing infertility and the life-changing possibilities of advanced medical care. Australian Concept Lahore is proud to have been a part of their journey to parenthood.


See The Patient History & Journey to Being Positive:                  

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