Understanding Causes and Treatment of Male Infertiltiy

The failure of a man to take part in a healthy and successful pregnancy is known as male infertility. In the past, people believed that infertility was an illness related only to women. But with time, studies have proven that 20% of cases involve just the male partner being infertile, and 30% involve both partners experiencing infertility issues. Consequently, over half of all couples who experience infertility involve a male cause. Male partners experience the stress of infertility just as much as female partners do.

Infertility severely disrupts the couple’s physical and mental health and causes extreme emotional strain. The false belief that infertility is related to impotence or a decline in masculinity may exacerbate the worry. A significant stigma exists with infertility. Couples may become isolated because of the guilt and embarrassment around infertility. When a couple keeps their infertility issues a secret, one partner may feel under pressure to assist, and this may increase relationship challenges. Early on in their journey, couples should seek professional advice and assistance. Partners under 35 years old who have been trying for a year or over 35 and attempting for six months should both undergo an assessment to determine possible causes. Checking male infertility is as crucial as checking in women. We can use a basic test called semen analysis to accomplish this purpose. Fertility treatment for men is also equally significant as for women.

Causes of Male Infertility:

Many health conditions, environmental factors, lifestyle variables, and medical treatments can lead to problems with male fertility. All these conditions can cause abnormal sperm shape, low sperm count, or low sperm motility.

Varicocele: It is one of the most common causes of male infertility. A varicocele is a swollen bag of veins in one or both testes that raises the temperature of the testes. The synthesis of testosterone and healthy sperm depends on the ideal temperature that the testes’ enzymes require, and even a slight increase in temperature can interfere with this process. Surgical treatment is the sole option for varicocele, but the effectiveness is under study and varies on a case-by-case basis.

Blockage of Tubules that Carry Sperms: The semen analysis report may indicate azoospermia if there is a blockage in the testis, epididymis, vas deference, or ejaculatory ducts in the male reproductive tract. To determine if azoospermia is due to an obstruction or any other cause, a urologist performs a testicular biopsy. Surgery is another azoospermia treatment for reversing blockage, although it is only effective in some situations and has a mixed success rate.

Infections: Several inflammatory diseases and STDs, including HIV, epididymitis, and orchitis, can cause abnormal or poor sperm production. A male infertility clinic can help determine the cause of infertility in men related to infections and arrange prompt treatment.
Hormonal Imbalance: Different hormonal pathways by other body organ systems, such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and brain, including FSH, LH, and prolactin, are linked to appropriate sperm production. Any disparity in these hormones can interfere with spermatogenesis (the production of healthy sperm) and testosterone production. Male fertility clinic helps to identify such hormonal imbalances and plan fertility treatment for men.

Issues relating to Sexual Activity: These may involve premature ejaculation, painful sex, hypospadias (an abnormal opening of the urethra underneath the penis), difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction), and psychological or relationship issues that clash with having intercourse. Any of these situations may contribute to infertility in males, which makes it necessary to be checked out by a reputable male infertility clinic.

Other Causes: Male infertility can also result from a variety of factors, such as testicular tumors, retrograde ejaculations, anti-spermatic antibodies, accidents, and undescended testes. It is difficult for anyone with these disorders to become a parent. A male fertility clinic assists you in receiving the appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and care for your situation.

Medical Conditions and MedicationInfluencing Male Infertility

Diabetes, testosterone replacement therapy, long-term steroid use, certain antidepressants, cancer treatments (chemotherapy), certain drugs for ulcers, and painkillers for arthritis can all reduce male fertility and hinder sperm production. Prolonged elevated blood sugar levels can result in a decline in sexual desire and hypogonadism. Repeated urinary tract infections can also decrease sperm production and even block the pathways of sperm transport.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Male infertility is hard to identify early on because there aren’t many apparent signs and symptoms. The main symptom is the inability to conceive even after regular, unprotected sexual activity for a year or more. Low libido, undersized or nonexistent testes, poor hair development, hereditary problems, pain during erection, scrotal enlargement or discomfort, and no discharge after sexual activity are some additional signs and symptoms. When a couple under 35 tries for a year, or when a couple over 35 tries for six months, male fertility testing becomes critical. Testing female partners is also as important as checking male fertility.

Diagnosisof Male Infertility

The most fundamental and initial test recommended for checking male fertility is semen analysis. This significant test sheds light on sperm motility, morphology, pH, and pus cells in semen in addition to the total and per milliliter sperm counts. Semen parameter abnormalities can shed light on possible diagnoses. As part of additional lab work, blood samples can measure testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). All these labs help to establish a prompt diagnosis.

Genetic testing assists in detecting chromosomal abnormalities or hereditary diseases that affect fertility. Medical professionals may also advise a series of other labs after thoroughly evaluating history and physical examination. For example, the structure of the scrotum, any swelling, epididymis, venous blockage, and surrounding tissues are all examined using ultrasound. After an ejaculation, a urine analysis for sperm detects retrograde ejaculation.
It is essential to note that the standard male infertility clinic’s evaluation of the cause of infertility in males is of high worth and under the kind supervision of a qualified and experienced urologist/andrologist. Reports for assessment from a local lab could mislead the diagnosis, resulting in more time waste, discomfort, and disappointment.
Lifestyle Modifications: Changing one’s lifestyle is essential for increasing male fertility. Individual results, however, may differ. Eating a well-balanced diet high in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins and avoiding a processed and fat-rich diet can improve sperm count, motility, and morphology. Optimal sperm production is supported by maintaining hydration. Frequent exercise enhances the regulation of hormones, blood circulation, and general health. Refrain from overdoing it. Problems involving underweight and overweight people can impact the fertility of sperm and hormones. Getting to an appropriate body mass index (BMI) is vital. Alcohol and smoking impair the count, motility, and quality of sperm. Abstaining from them enhances male fertility potential.
Role of Medical Treatment: Numerous licensed drugs enhance the general health of the reproductive system and sperm quality. Success rates differ from case to case. The body releases hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in response to clomiphene (Clomid). Doctors use it to treat low hormone levels and to enhance the motility and generation of sperm. Injections of human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can improve the balance of hormones and sperm production in hypogonadism. One should consult a male infertility specialist at a reputable male fertility clinic before using any of the mentioned drugs.

Role of Surgical Treatment: The cornerstone of azoospermia treatment is diagnostic and therapeutic testicular biopsy, which distinguishes between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia. To improve sperm health and count, urologists practice various microsurgical procedures for varicocele correction. To reverse obstructive azoospermia, surgeons repair and reconstruct the vas deference, epididymis, and ejaculatory duct obstruction.

The Role of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART): During a woman’s reproductive window, sperm is concentrated and purified before being directly inserted into the uterus to enhance motility. The likelihood of becoming pregnant can increase by up to 15%, depending on the age of the female.

In-Vitro fertilization /Intracytoplasmic Sperm Insemination

It involves retrieving eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them in a lab dish with sperm, and transferring the resultant embryos to the uterus. Depending on the age of the female, the success rate can reach up to 40%.


Before implantation, genetic screening enables the screening of embryos for genetic disorders. Inheritable conditions have a lower chance of being passed on to future generations.
The exact cause of infertility, the treatment strategy used, and the unique circumstances all influence the long-term prognosis for male infertility treatment. In many circumstances, a male fertility clinic offers a successful infertility treatment. However, success rates differ according to the underlying reason, the type of treatment, and the general state of both partners’ health.

Australian Concept is an Esteemed institution that offers world-class infertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Since 1998, the institution, headed by Dr. Syed Sajjad Hussain, has been at the forefront of managing infertility. It employs many globally skilled embryologists and urologists who are well-known worldwide. This reproductive center also has a top-notch IVF lab. It has locations in Pakistan’s main cities. It employs many globally skilled embryologists and urologists who are well-known worldwide. This reproductive center also has a top-notch IVF lab. It has locations in Pakistan’s main cities. This prestigious clinic offers a range of treatments for male infertility, from simple medical treatment to complicated microsurgical operations like Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction (Micro TESE).

Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center offers free on-site or online consultation where an ART coordinator doctor follows the steps of taking history, orders appropriate labs, and arranges an appointment with the corresponding consultant. Here is all the information you need to contact Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center physicians in various Pakistani cities.

Finding A Specialist

It’s necessary to find a skilled and qualified urologist with experience in treating male infertility. Treating infertility requires personalized care. The unique qualities of infertility consultants include attentiveness to patient information, an empathetic approach, and adherence to proper guidelines. Male infertility is a stigma in our society, so doctors must approach it with sensitivity. Australian Concept is a renowned institution that provides top-quality infertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Since 1998, the institution, led by Dr. Syed Sajjad Hussain, has been leading in managing infertility. It employs highly skilled embryologists and urologists who are well-known globally. Additionally, the reproductive center houses a state-of-the-art IVF lab and has locations in Pakistan’s major cities. The clinic offers various treatments for male infertility, ranging from simple medical interventions to complex microsurgical procedures such as Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction (micro TESE). The doctors at Australian Concept adhere to the proper steps of an empathetic approach and guidelines.

Lifestyle Changes For Male Fertility

Remember to consider making lifestyle adjustments to enhance male fertility. Keep in mind that the outcomes may differ for each person. Consuming a well-calculated diet rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins can positively impact sperm count, motility, and shape. It’s helpful to stay away from processed and high-fat foods. Adequate hydration is crucial for optimal sperm production. Maintaining a good body mass index (BMI) is critical for male fertility health. Refraining from alcohol and smoking can help improve male reproductive health. Engaging in regular physical activity can help balance hormones and improve blood circulation.


Male infertility is becoming increasingly common in our society. However, people often feel ashamed to discuss male sexual health and infertility issues. The good news is that male infertility is curable in many cases through proper testing, diagnosis, and treatment. It is crucial to seek guidance and treatment from a qualified infertility consultant. The Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center offers free on-site or online consultations. A dedicated ART coordinator doctor will take your history, order appropriate labs, and arrange an appointment with the relevant consultant. Below is all the information you need to contact Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center physicians in various Pakistani cities.

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