Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Success Story

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Success Story

The cost of infertility treatment is significant in Singapore. In addition there is a lot of cultural support and care required when going through the treatment. As a couple we decided to look into treatment options in Pakistan given that we both speak Urdu fluently and could easily fit-in with the culture back home.

After 12 years of marriage I had never conceived before. We had attempted ICSI  and FET already in Pakistan at other fertility clinics but both attempts were unsuccessful.

I remember Australian Concept responded very quickly and professionally and we got in touch with their Coordinator Doctors at Karachi (head office) initially to gain a better understanding of treatment options, costs, accommodation. To be honest, we were delighted to learn the cost was 3-4 times less as compared to Singapore and Australian Concept also offered to provide assistance with Accommodation nearby their clinics.

When we arrived we reported at the Lahore Reception and the staff was very friendly. I had a history of irregular periods so Dr. Iftikhar initially treatment me to bring the menstrual cycle to regular and then we proceeded with the treatment.

Australian Concept offered the option to make payments in installments which helped with the cash flow. Frozen Embryo Transfer was done at Australian Concept Lahore. Alhamdulillah I conceived with Twins.

I am really thankful to the Australian Concept team across Pakistan who provided really good care throughout the treatment.

Saima & Imran

Australian Concept Web Admin (Saima Imran can been seen in the photograph celebrating positive heartbeat with our Team)

Australian Concept has been offering State of the ART Infertility Treatment since 1998, including












Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center – Best Infertility / Subfertility Treatment via IVF/ ICSI /FET/ TEST TUBE.

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